Leandro Valiati
I am an internationally recognised scholar and leader in the emerging Arts, Cand Creative Industries and Socio-Economic Development field. I began my career in Brazil as an Associate Professor of Cultural Economics and Founding Director of the Centre for Creative Industries and Cultural Economics at the prestigious Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. I led taught and research initiatives and drove national policy initiatives around Brazil's creative economy and culture-led development while holding visiting appointments across Europe (Labex-ICCA, Sorbonne University and the University of Valencia ).
In 2018, I relocated to the UK after earning recognition for Exceptional Talent and Global Leadership in Creative Industries from the British Academic and securing the prestigious Newton Advanced Fellowship. I took up senior research and teaching posts at Queen Mary University of London and later the University of Manchester (AHCP/ICP), where I am currently placed as a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor in Creative and Creative Industries), MA CCI Programme Director (ongoing), and Postgraduate Taught Programme Director for AHCP/ICP (2022-2023). Parallel to this, I am also a Fellow of the Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre and Global Creative Economy Council (British Council/PEC).
With relevant publications, extensive experience developing and delivering teaching in CCIs, prestigious fellowships and awards, and over £5 million in research funding secured along my career path, I have established an international reputation for high-impact interdisciplinary scholarship connecting creative economy, cultural policy and sustainable development. My research and university leadership continue mobilising teaching and research culture, creativity, and knowledge exchange to drive global multidimensional impact, innovation, and inclusive growth.
In my forthcoming book "Arts, CCIs and Social-Economic Development" (Routledge, 2025), I will challenge the established old-fashioned views on Development, proposing a new policy-oriented model to place Arts and CCIs in the core of the world based