Publications (extended list)
Authored Books
VALIATI, L. Arts, Creative Industries and Socio-economic Development. Signed with Routledge (forthcoming in December 2024).
VALIATI, L; WINK JUNIOR, MV. Indústrias Criativas no Rio Grande do Sul: considerações teóricas e evidencias empíricas. [Creative Industry in the Rio Grande do Sul: theoretical overview and empirical evidence]. (Porto Alegre: editor FEE, 2 (lead), 2014
VALIATI, L. Economia da Cultura e Cinema. [Economy of Culture and Cinema]. São Paulo: Ecofalante editor, 2010.
VALIATI, L; FLORISSI, S; Economia da Cultura: bem-estar econômico e evolução cultural. [Economy of Culture: economic welfare and cultural progress] (Porto Alegre: Editor UFRGS, 2007)
Edited Books
VALIATI, L.; et al.; Manual de Economia e Politica da Cultura e Industrias Criativas, volume 3 [Handbook of Economy and Policy of Cultural and Creative Industries, volume 3]. 1ed. Sao Paulo: Martins Fontes Editorial. In press, publishing date: 03/2023
VALIATI, L.; et al.; Manual de Economia e Politica da Cultura e Industrias Criativas, volume 2 [Handbook of Economy and Policy of Cultural and Creative Industries, volume 2]. 1ed. Sao Paulo: Martins Fontes Editorial. In press, publishing date: 02/2023
VALIATI, L.; et al.; Manual de Economia e Politica da Cultura e Industrias Criativas, volume 1 [Handbook of Economy and Policy of Cultural and Creative Industries, volume 1]. 1ed. Sao Paulo: Martins Fontes Editorial, 2022
VALIATI, L.; et al.; A demanda por audiovisual no Brasil [Audiovisual demand in Brazil]. In: Audiovisual consumption in Brazil. 1ed. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, v. 1, p. 352-358, 2018.
VALIATI, L. (ed.) et al.; Atlas Econômico da Cultura Brasileira. [Economic Atlas of Brazilian Culture]. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2017.
VALIATI, L (ed.). Economia Criativa, Cultura e Políticas Publicas [Creative Economy, Culture and Public Policies]. Porto Alegre, UFRGS Publisher, 2016
Academic Journal Articles
VALIATI, L. IACHAM, L; MOREAU, F; HERITAGE, P; SILVA, ES; How does urban violence impact choices of cultural participation? The case of the Maré favela complex in Rio de Janeiro. Journal of Cultural Economics, vol 46, issue 4, Dec 2022.
CRUZ MS, SILVA, ES, JAKAITE Z, KRENZINGER, M, VALIATI, L, GONÇALVES D, Ribeiro E, HERITAGE P, PRIEBE S. Experience of neighbourhood violence and mental distress in Brazilian favelas: a cross-sectional household survey. The Lancet Regional Americas, vol 4, 2021.
VERNAGLIA, TVC; PARADIVINO, VB; SILVA, ES; VALIATI, L; HERITAGE, P; PRIEBE, S; CRUZM, MS. The impacts on the mental health of residents of 16 favelas observed during the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil. Research, Society and Development vol 10, n 13 2021 (
CRUZ, MS; SOUSA, SE; KRENZIGER, M; VALIATI, L; GONÇALVES, DM; VASCONCELLOS, MTLD; VILLAR, LM; PRIEBE, S.Study protocol of personal characteristics and sociocultural factors associated with mental health and quality of life of residents living in violent territories. BMC Psychiatry vol. 20, 2020. (joint - 1/7 authors, 14,2%)
VALIATI, L; MORRONE, H. Structural change as a transformation in production chains: the case of culture in Brazil. Nova Economia Review: UFRJ, Brazil, 2020 (lead)
VALIATI, L.; PERFEITO, P. The emergence of digital in the music brazilian market. [A emergência do digital no mercado de música brasileiro e a nova cadeia produtiva]. Sociedade e Estado (UnB. Impresso), v. 1, p. 85-105, 2019. (lead)
VALIATI, L.; PERFEITO, P. Digitization and Brazilian Music Market: Notes About the Rising of Digital Aggregators in Digital Platforms and Cultural Industries. Peter Lang: Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2018. (lead)
VALIATI, L.; CARDENAS, J. Cultural and Creative Industries as determining qualified international flow trade in Latin America, 2001-2011. ACEI Working Papers, 2015 (lead)
Book chapter
VALIATI, L, HERITAGE, P. Relative Values in the multidimensional impact in arts: the case of Contact Theatre in VIRANI, T (ed). Global creative ecosystems: A critical understanding of sustainable creative and cultural production. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2023
VALIATI, L; FLORISSI, S; CORAZZA, R. O marco teorico-conceitual da economia da cultura e economia criativa: revisao de contribuicoes selecionadas e seus proessupostos [Theoretical framework of CCIs: selected contributions and its assumptions).in: VALIATI, L.; et al.; Manual de Economia e Politica da Cultura e Industrias Criativas, volume 1 [Handbook of Economy and Policy of Cultural and Creative Industries, volume 1]. 1ed. Sao Paulo: Martins Fontes Editorial, 2022
VALIATI, L. Breve historia das ideias economicas: da economia politica neoclassica a economia da cultura [History of Economic Ideas: from Classical Economy to Economy of Culture]. in: VALIATI, L.; et al.; Manual de Economia e Politica da Cultura e Industrias Criativas, volume 1 [Handbook of Economy and Policy of Cultural and Creative Industries, volume 1]. 1ed. Sao Paulo: Martins Fontes Editorial, 2022
·VALIATI, L. Introduction. in: VALIATI, L.; et al.; Manual de Economia e Politica da Cultura e Industrias Criativas, volume 1 [Handbook of Economy and Policy of Cultural and Creative Industries, volume 1]. 1ed. Sao Paulo: Martins Fontes Editorial, 2022
VALIATI, L. Um olhar sobre o consumo cultural na favela da Maré. [An overview of cultural consumption at Mare slum]. In: HERITAGE P, SILVA ES. Rio de Janeiro: PPP, 2021
VALIATI, L.; SCHONERWALD, C. E. ; RAVA, N. ; FLORISSI, S. . A Demanda por Audiovisual no Brasil. In: CUNHA, André Moreira; MOLLER, Gustavo; VALIATI, Leandro; CAUZZI, Camila. (Org.). Consumo de Audiovisual no Brasil. 1ed.Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2018, v. 1, p. 352-358.
·VALIATI, L.; HENKIN, H.; PAES, L. Mapeamento do Sistema Federal de Incentivo a Cultura do Brasil. [Mapping of Federal System of Cultural Incentive in Brazil] In: Valiati, Leandro; Moller, Gustavo. (ed.). 1ed. Porto Alegre: UFRGS v. 1, p. 252-266, 2016. (lead, 1/3 authors, 33,33%)
VALIATI, L.; CUNHA, A. M.; BICHARA, J.; PRA TES, D. M. Impacto da Economia Criativa com ênfase no comercio internacional. [Impacts of creative economy with emphasis on international trade]. In: Valiati, Leandro; Moller, Gustavo. (ed.). Economia Criativa, Cultura e Desenvolvimento. 1ed. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, v. 1, 2016.
VALIATI, L.. Industrias Criativas e Desenvolvimento: uma analise das dimensões estruturadoras [Creative Industries and Development: an analysis of structured dimensions]. In: Valiati, Leandro; Moller, Gustavo. (ed.). Economia Criativa, Cultura e Desenvolvimento. 1ed. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, v. 1, p. 186-210, 2016.
VALIATI, L. Economia da Cultura como ferramenta para a Politica Cultural. [Economy of Culture as a tool and basis for cultural policy]. The meshes of Culture. São Paulo: Ateliê Editorial, 2013.
VALIATI, L.; FLORISSI, S. A problemática da captação: relação entre incentivos fiscais e a gestão de recursos públicos na decisao privada da inversão cultural. [The funding issue: relationship between tax incentives and the management of public resources in the private decision of cultural inversion]. In: VALIATI, L: FLORISSI, S. The economy of Culture: economic welfare and cultural evolution. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2007
Professional Journal Articles
VALIATI, L. HERITAGE, P. et al. Relative Values of Arts and Culture. São Paulo: Itaú Cultural Review, vol 33, 2022.
VALIATI, L; SARON, E. Creative Intensity, Culture and new pathways to the Brazilian development. In: Creativity Culture and Capital Impact investing in the global creative economy Fundación Compromiso, NESTA and Upstart Colab. London: 2021.
VALIATI, L (ed.). Cultural Economics: statistics and indicators for development*. São Paulo: Itaú Cultural Review, vol 2, 2018.
VALIATI, L. Cultural Economics: a theoretical survey*. Itaú Cultural Review, v. 1, 2018.
VALIATI, L. Economics, Culture and Creativity: from fundamental questions to indicators’ importance [Brasilian guide of cultural production] (Guia Brasileiro de Produção Cultural). São Paulo: Edições SESC-SP, 2011
Official Reports
VALIATI, L; HERITAGE P. Roots of Resilience. Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2022.
VALIATI, L; HERITAGE, P; SILVA, ES; CRUZ, MS; Building the Barricades. Funded by Economics and Social Science Research Council, 2021.
VALIATI, L; HERITAGE, P. Beyond Exchange. Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2020
VALIATI, L Counting Culture Research Project, Funded by British Academy, 2020
VALIATI, L.; HERITAGE, P. The Art of Cultural Currency. Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2019
VALIATI, L; HERITAGE, P. Relative Values. Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2018
VALIATI, L., FLORISSI, S., CORAZZA, R. I Project. Prospects for the Economy of Culture: an analysis model of the Brazilian case. Campinas: Ministerio da Cultura, 2011. Research Policy Paper
VALIATI, L.; IBRAM, I. B. M. Museums and Economic Dimension – from the production chain to the sustainable management*. Brasília: Brazilian Institute of Museums – 2013
VALIATI, L. Economy and Culture of Fashion in Brazil: a study to public policy. São Paulo: Iniciativa Cultural, 2011.